On Friday, March 20th, I retired from The Bakersfield Californian, calling it quits after 28 and one-half years. I have desperately wanted to take
John Harte Digital Photography Services and my Shooting Star product from a successful part-time business to a full-time one. I was able to craft a nice departure from the newspaper -- one in which I accepted a buyout offer but am able to continue shooting for them as a contractor, so it was a win-win for both sides. I now have the extra free time to build Shooting Star that I so craved; The Cal can still turn to one of its most experienced photographers to help them out when needed. But now
Shooting Star Sports Photography is my full-time job. All those folks I had to turn away because I couldn't get the time to schedule should now be able to have their athletes photographed. I anticipate that I can handle twice the current client load.
I want to share with you my very last shoot as a Californian photographer. Fittingly, it was where I am most happy, on a ball field.

That's me with coach Gary Porter on my final assignment. Gary and his wife, Centennial athletic director Becky Porter, played a big role in helping Shooting Star get started with word-of-mouth recommendations and access to the Golden Hawks athletic community. The Hawks are one of the schools we do most of our portfolios for.

These are the three photos I submitted from my final assignment. I wanted to have a good last shoot, and was happy with the pictures.

And this is the final shot I took in my career as a Californian staff photographer. Literally the last time I tripped the shutter. From here, let's see how far we can take this Shooting Star thing!
Click photos for larger versions